However, MOST doctors ignore or don't test the
immune system component! They simply put you on synthetic thyroid medications (FOR LIFE).
Meanwhile, you still may be suffering from low thyroid symptoms (hair loss, fatigue, weight loss resistance etc.)...because the ROOT CAUSE was never fixed!
You MUST test to determine what "path" to go down - the thyroid path OR the autoimmune path. The treatments are vastly different!
Most medical doctors will check TSH, T3, T4 etc...all that is fine and well, however MOST don't check for thyroid antibodies. WHY? Because their treatment plan won't change. It's Synthroid or Levothyroxin (for life) and let's see you in 6 months.
This is like trying to solve a 10-piece puzzle with only 2 of the pieces. It's a very poor medical approach and leaves people frustrated and feeling miserable.